Omega CMS For Startups

Multi-Tier Cost Platform

Get your idea to the market quicker and under budget with Omega,
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Omega CMS For Startups

Rapid Development Api

Omega was built by developers for developers,
take a deep dive today and see the limitless possibilities Omega offers as a development platform!

Omega CMS For Startups


  • Fully integrated with AWS
  • Fully integrated with Azure
  • Integrated with Redis for performance
  • Save documents directly on S3
  • Can be deployed on Serverless AWS Lambda

Omega CMS For Startups

Technology Agnostic

  • Runs on Linux/Unix
  • Runs on Windows
  • Compatible with any database system
  • Can be deployed on Serverless AWS Lambda

Why Omega

  • Quickly develop a quality product and get to market quicker
  • Develop a product that adapts with the industry without massive retooling
  • Implement custom functionality
  • Skip massive development costs with building on Omega, save time and money
  • Quickly adapt to new business requirements by running Omega along side your existing product
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Omega CMS is guaranteed to work seamlessly on any of the following providers or platforms!
AWS Lambda
Azure Functions


Omega CMS is guaranteed to integrate with all of the following programs!
AWS Elastic-Search
No-SQL Databases
Relational Databases
Web Services

API Sample

var userController = new mdBusinessLogic.dataAccess.controllers.userController();

userController.login(‘someUser’, ‘somePassword’, function(data){    alert(‘Success! The logged in user is: ' + data.Username); }, function(error){    alert(‘An error ocurred while authenticating the user!'); });

let userController = new mdBusinessLogic.dataAccess.controllers.userController();

userController.login(‘someUser’, ‘somePassword’, (data) => {    alert(‘Success! The logged in user is: ' + data.Username); }, (error) => {    alert(‘An error ocurred while authenticating the user!'); });

using MD.CMS.BusinessLogic.Core.DataAccess.Controllers; using MD.CMS.BusinessLogic.Core.DataAccess.entities;

User userToRetrieve = UserController.Instance.GetByUsernameAndPassword(“someUser”, “somePassword”); if(userToRetrieve != null) {    Console.WriteLine(string.Format(“Success! The logged in user is: {0}", userToRetrieve.Username)); } else {    Console.WriteLine(“An error ocurred while authenticating the user!"); }

var contentControllerInstance = new mdBusinessLogic.dataAccess.controllers.contentController();

contentControllerInstance.getById(12, function(data){    alert(‘Success! The title of content we retrieved is: ' + data.Title); }, function(error){    alert(‘An error ocurred while retrieving the content!'); });

let contentControllerInstance = new mdBusinessLogic.dataAccess.controllers.contentController();

contentControllerInstance.getById(12, (data) => {    alert(‘Success! The title of content we retrieved is: ' + data.Title); }, (error) => {    alert(‘An error ocurred while retrieving the content!'); });

using MD.CMS.BusinessLogic.Core.DataAccess.Controllers; using MD.CMS.BusinessLogic.Core.DataAccess.entities;

Content contentToRetrieve = ContentController.Instance.GetById(12); if(contentToRetrieve != null) {    Console.WriteLine(string.Format(“Success! The title of content we retrieved is: {0}", contentToRetrieve.Title)); } else {    Console.WriteLine(“An error ocurred while retrieving the content!"); }

var contentToSave = new mdBusinessLogic.dataAccess.entities.Content(); contentToSave.Title = ‘My Content’; contentToSave.FolderId = 1;

var contentControllerInstance = new mdBusinessLogic.dataAccess.controllers.contentController();, function(data){    alert(‘Success! The title of saved content is: ' + data.Title); }, function(error){    alert(‘An error ocurred saving the content!'); });

let contentToSave = new mdBusinessLogic.dataAccess.entities.Content(); contentToSave.Title = ‘My Content’; contentToSave.FolderId = 1;

let contentControllerInstance = new mdBusinessLogic.dataAccess.controllers.contentController();, (data) => {    alert(‘Success! The title of saved content is: ' + data.Title); }, (error) => {    alert(‘An error ocurred saving the content!'); });

using MD.CMS.BusinessLogic.Core.DataAccess.Controllers; using MD.CMS.BusinessLogic.Core.DataAccess.entities;

Content contentToSave = new Content(){    Title = “My Content”,    FolderId = 1 };

contentToSave = ContentController.Instance.Save(contentToSave);

if(contentToSave != null) {    Console.WriteLine(string.Format(“Success! The title of the saved content is: {0}", contentToSave.Title)); } else {    Console.WriteLine(“An error ocurred saving the content!"); }

var file = new mdBusinessLogic.dataAccess.entities.file(); file.path = ‘pathToFolderOnServer’; file.fileType = mdBusinessLogic.dataAccess.entities.fileTypeEnum['/')[0]];

var fileController = new mdBusinessLogic.dataAccess.controllers.fileController();

fileController.upload(file, function (data) {    alert(‘Success! The file was uploaded to: ' + data.PathToSaveToDatabase); }, function (error) {    alert(‘An error ocurred uploading the file!'); });

let file = new mdBusinessLogic.dataAccess.entities.file(); file.path = ‘pathToFolderOnServer’; file.fileType = mdBusinessLogic.dataAccess.entities.fileTypeEnum['/')[0]];

let fileController = new mdBusinessLogic.dataAccess.controllers.fileController();

fileController.upload(file, (data) => {    alert(‘Success! The file was uploaded to: ' + data.PathToSaveToDatabase); }, (error) => {    alert(‘An error ocurred uploading the file!'); });

using MD.CMS.BusinessLogic.Core.DataAccess.Controllers; using MD.CMS.BusinessLogic.Core.DataAccess.entities; using MD.Tools.Helpers.Core.FileProvider;

string randomFileName = string.Format("{0}.jpg”, Guid.NewGuid().ToString()); string desiredFileLocation = “C:\FolderToSaveMyFile”;

FileProviderOptions fileProviderOptions = new FileProviderOptions(); fileProviderOptions.DirectoryRequestOptions = new FileProviderDirectoryOptions() { Path = desiredFileLocation };

if (!(await DynamicFileProvider.Default.DirectoryExists(fileProviderOptions))) {    await DynamicFileProvider.Default.CreateDirectory(new FileProviderDirectory() { DirectoryPath = desiredFileLocation }); }

using(FileStream stream = FileStream.Open(“SomeImage.jpg”)) {    await DynamicFileProvider.Default.WriteFile(new FileProviderFile() {       FileBytes = stream.ReadToEnd(),       FilePath = string.Format("{0}\{1}", desiredFileLocation, randomFileName)    }); }

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