Streamline data input

Omega CMS for Healthcare

Leverage OmegaCMS to standardize data input and streamline the way you do business

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Challenges facing the modern healthcare industry

Provide better patient and clinician experiences

Increased focus on the patient experience throughout their entire interaction with their provider and provider network.

Improving clinician and caregiver experience is becoming a focus due to increase in patient interaction.

Increase in tele-medicine and virtual care.

Manage security requirements

The proliferation of connected medical devices, tele-health provisioning and electronic health records (EHRs) increases providers’ security requirements.

More than 80% of physicians use EHRs when treating patients 24% of breaches affected healthcare organizations.

Control escalating costs

Providers are looking for ways to improve efficiency, such as limiting resources via remote biometric monitoring, obtaining near real-time access to patient information

There is an increasing focus on management improvements (e.g., HR, supply chain)

How Omega helps healthcare tackle these challenges

Quickly develop a quality product and get to market quicker

Develop a product that adapts with the industry without massive retooling

Implement custom functionality

  • Through a custom content structure and automated workflows
  • Through custom plugins, dashboards, and additions to the core system
  • With content delivery by extending web services and our real-time communications capability
  • With automation of long-running tasks and asynchronous processes
  • Consume and manipulate data from multiple sources without massive custom code implementation
Skip massive development costs with building on Omega, save time and money

Quickly adapt to new business requirements by running Omega along side your existing product

  • Limit bespoke development
  • Use the Omega content designer to expand to industry-specific verticals, while keeping your product generic

Let's figure out how Omega can help your business grow today!

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